About Me


    Hello, for those of you who don't know me my name is Ariel, and this my company. 

     I started Dare to Daydream back in April of 2020 because we were all stuck in the house, my creative freedom was at an all time high, and I had oodles of time to reflect on things that were once very passionate to me. Fashion and art have always been a love of min. I have on occasion told myself that if I could of picked just one path when I was younger I would have been so successful by now, but alas here we are. Almost 33, and just getting started. My how the time flies.

     Dare to Daydream originally started off as a mental health and wellness apparel shop on Etsy, and for the first few months it went really well. Solid sales, a ton of interest and then it kind of fizzled out. I honestly don't know what happened, other than I think was afraid of it. I wasn't ready for it to be successful, and I wasn't fully mentally capable of handling all of what that meant. Not to mention the headache of trying to figure out marketing and the fact that I got pregnant with my son in the middle of it. It just wasn't the right time.

   A little over a month ago I started reflecting and really trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, because as it sat I was just a bartender, working part/ full time, and I knew I didn't want to do that the rest of my life. So I decided to really dig and give my art another try. Then I did something I thought I’d never do. I wrote and illustrated two children's books and I published them on Amazon. I was elated! 

    I had finally done one of the THOUSAND things I had always said I would. To say it felt great, is an understatement.

     Then I remembered, I had had that feeling once before, back when I started my Etsy. I knew what I had to do next. So I started looking at my options, doing product research, getting my ducks in a row and then on August 31st, the day my books were FINALLY published, I decided I was gonna launch my website. Dare to Daydream became an L.L.C and now I am the proud owner of a barely scraping by clothing boutique.

   What started off as a few of my hand drawn graphic t-shirts and painted bags, has blossomed into a full blown boutique shop with high quality and trendy items that we all can afford. My rule to pricing has always been if I wouldn’t buy it, at the price I’m selling it at, then the price is too high. Everyone should be able to afford nice things and not feel guilty for buying it!

   Since launching my website and becoming an L.L.C my following has doubled, my knowledge of marketing is growing, and someone who has never ran a business in her life ya'll is figuring it out. Thank you for all your love and support!

     And you know what? The best is yet to come.

P.s. if you go to any of my social links on this web page you can find my link tree and it will take you to all of the other wonderful things Dare to Daydream is up to!

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